A fun packed half term for kids at the Royal Opera House

A fun packed half term for kids at the Royal Opera House

Join an exciting range of immersive activities this half term at the Royal Opera House from lively Opera Dots and Ballet Dots workshops, packed full of singing, dancing, music and stories, to free Live at Lunch performances; there is plenty for all the family to enjoy.

Ballet Dots (c) 2018 ROH. Photograph by James Bellorini (2)

The half term fun kicks off with Opera Dots, a fun and introductory workshop for our youngest fans (aged 3 months to 5 years). With singing, music and laughter, tiny tots are sure to leave the building smiling. Later that day, there’s a chance to then watch the professional in action during Recitals at Lunch (1pm to 2pm) in the Crush Room (aged 14+).

Budding dancers can get involved with our World Ballet Day events on Wednesday 23 October, perfecting their pliés in Dance with the Royal Ballet (£10 per ticket, aged 12 upwards) or perhaps joining in with sensory dance workshop, Ballet Dots for kids aged 12 months to 2.5 years. There’s also a chance to watch a free Monday Moves (12pm to 12.40pm), a dance performance by artists with a visual impairment and a free dance-themed Live at Lunch(1pm to 1.40pm, no ticket required).

On Friday 25October, visitors to the capital can drop into a free music performance at Live at Live (1pm to 1.45pm, no ticket required). Aspiring singers, aged 14 years upwards can also take part in Sing at the Royal Opera House (2.15pm to 3.30pm, £10pp) trying their hand at some of opera biggest tunes in the picturesque Paul Hamlyn Hall.

The action packed, immersive Family Sunday (11am to 3pm, £8 to £10) on 27 October rounds up the end of a jam-packed week of fun. During the day families can delve into the world of opera and ballet, watch exclusive pop-up performances, go on an exciting backstage tour, take part in design activities, dressing up and much much more. The event is suitable for children aged 3 to 10 years old.

Book one of the event here: https://www.roh.org.uk/tickets-and-events

Half term activities at the Royal Opera House

Monday 21 October

Opera Dots,£10 per person, (3 x 45 mins session. 3 months to 12 months, 10.30am. 12 months to 2.5 years, 11.30am. 2.5 years to 5 years, 12.30am).
Recitals at Lunch, £12 per ticket, 1pm – 1.45pm (aged 14+)
Wednesday 23 October – #WorldBalletDay

Ballet Dots, 11am to 11.40am, £10 (one adult and one child) – 12 months to 2.5 years
Monday Moves, 12pm to 12.40pm – no ticket required
Live at Lunch, 1pm to 1.40pm, free drop in performance, no ticket required
Dance with the Royal Ballet, 12+ , 2.15pm – 3.30pm, £10 per ticket
Friday 25 October

Sing at the Royal Opera House , 2.15pm to 3.30pm, £10 per ticket
Live at Lunch, 1pm to 1.45pm, free drop in performance, no ticket required
Sunday 27 October

Family Sunday, 11am – 3pm, £8 to £10 per person – aged 3 to 10 years
About the Royal Opera House events programme

Since September, the Royal Opera House has welcomed more than one million people through its doors. Of those, 34,000 attended one of the many daytime activities, events and festivals for people of all ages, and 5,000 attended Live at Lunch, a free weekly performance of dance or music.

This Season’s immersive programme will bring 176 events to the Royal Opera House from September 2019 to July 2020. These range from events for children aged 3 months upwards – Ballet Dots, Opera Dots, Dots Day and Family Sundays, to workshops for adults – Sing at the Royal Opera House, Dance with the Royal Ballet, Crafternoons – as well as a host of recitals and performances – Recitals at Lunch, Recitals at Teatime, Ballet Studio Live and the free weekly Live at Lunch.

The Royal Opera House events programme is generously supported by The Mohn Westlake Foundation.