A List of Top FAQs for Aqualyx Injection Treatment – What You Should Know
If you’ve been looking for a way to get rid of fat, you would surely have heard of fat-dissolving injections, otherwise known as Aqualyx injections. Whilst the treatment has indeed taken the world by storm; you may understandably have questions before you go forward with the treatment. For instance, is the treatment permanent, and will it have side effects? Is there any activity or routine you have to avoid right after the treatment? Many people undoubtedly swear by the treatment and how it has helped them get a beautiful, wonderfully-toned body – but will it do the same for you? Fortunately, we’ve collated a list of frequently asked questions – and their answers – to help you make the best decision for your needs. So here’s what you should know about the treatment and why it’s so popular today.
Who is qualified to have the treatment?
This may be the foremost question on people’s minds when they are considering the treatment – am I even qualified for it? The simple answer is that you’re good to go as long as you are generally a healthy individual who doesn’t have any infections or skin diseases. However, it is not recommended for breastfeeding women or pregnant women and those diagnosed with type 1 diabetes or lipodystrophy.
What are the side effects, if any?
Another important question asked by those considering Aqualyx injections is whether there are any side effects. Since Aqualyx doesn’t involve surgery, there are no stitches or incisions and no risk from general anaesthesia. As a result, the side effects are minimal, if any, and these could include swelling, tenderness, and bruising, which could last for seven to 14 days. But so far, there have been no reported serious side effects of the treatment.
How long can I expect the results to last?
The good news is that the results are permanent, on the condition that your weight remains steady and constant – as long as, that is, you eat a healthy and balanced diet, you do regular exercises, and you don’t go through any drastic weight gain. If you want to know more benefits of the Aqualyx procedure, click here.
What do I need to do after going through treatment?
In general, some common-sense rules apply. For instance, try not to use makeup or cosmetics in the area within 12 hours, and stay away from all direct radiation and heat sources, like sunlight, saunas, and UV radiation. It is also best to abstain from strenuous physical workouts or exercise for the next seven days. But, again, we can’t stress this enough – as the remaining fatty acids convert into energy, you must keep a healthy and balanced diet – if not, your body can very well find an alternative area to serve as a depot for the fat.
Is it not possible to just diet or exercise for a longer time?
As you may already know, the perfect candidate for Aqualyx treatment is a person already on a healthy diet and lives an active lifestyle – it just so happens that the ‘fat pocket’ simply won’t go away or disappear. Genetics may be the cause of this, as is the case with double chins or belly fat, love handles, bingo wings, or back or bra fat. All of these fat pockets can be easily treated with Aqualyx.