Dental Care Home Remedies for Tooth Ache

Dental Care Home Remedies for Tooth Ache

A toothache is one thing that can make even the strongest people in the world shed a tear. The pain that comes with a toothache is sharp and so painful. To say the pain is excruciating would be the understatement of the century.

However, some home remedies can be used to ease the pain. Imagine while playing your pokie online or working and the unbearable pain starts. You will immediately lose focus. Below are some of the remedies you can use to ease the pain.


Clove oil

For years people have been using clove oil to numb the pain that comes with a toothache. Cloves are not good for baking and cooking but they do an excellent job of easing the pain. This is because clove contains a strong chemical called eugenol. This is because it is both an anaesthetic and antiseptic. What this will do is numb your nerves and prevent further infection.

Ice It

Not that you should put ice directly onto your tooth, this will hurt. What we mean is put some ice on your hand and massage it on the place where the tooth hurts. Which is somewhere on the skin of your face. You need to massage it until it is numb. Research believes that ice will stop brain signals from going to your brain.

Salt-water rinse

A salt-water rinse is the easiest ways to ease off the pain caused by a toothache. The salt-water mix is a saline mix that is antiseptic. This means that it prevents the bacteria from growing. Meaning that your mouth will be kept clean and it will help to prevent infection. We would recommend that you rinse your mouth after each meal, when you wake up and before you go to bed. And you do not have to worry about the frequency, even without winning real money playing top online casino games you can afford this.

Ginger-Cayenne Paste

With these two, what you need to do is to mix them with water into a paste. Roll into a small ball of cotton then place it on your tooth. Do make sure to avoid your tongue and gums, it can quite tingly. Leave the paste there until it fades. It is believed that these two do an excellent job at blocking pain messages from reaching the brain.