How to Make Sure Gaming Doesn’t Affect Your Productivity

How to Make Sure Gaming Doesn’t Affect Your Productivity

Every day, you face many distractions that could derail your productivity. Wealthy Gorillalists nearly two dozen of them, such as social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, emails and phone calls, and video games.

Games can be a major setback on your productivity because of how accessible they are: It’s easy to open a gaming app, or load your browser and go to a gaming site. However, you can make sure that gaming doesn’t affect your productivity with a variety of apps and industry practices.

Play on Platforms With Responsible Gaming

Start playing right by playing on platforms that promote responsible gaming. While many apps make their money from getting players to play them regularly, you should look for the games that are looking out for you.

Different game developers and platforms will have different strategies to ensure responsible gaming. Mr Green, an online casino gaming provider, uses its Green Gaming Tool, which analyses a player’s gambling behaviour with tests and gameplay data. The Green Gaming Tool starts to analyze the gaming behaviour within 24 hours. It also offers a “Take a Break” feature, which will close your gaming account for a short amount of time, if found necessary. Not all game providers have a major system like this but it is still worth looking for games that allow you to shut down your account for some time, so you can be more productive during that period.

Use Apps Like Forest

If it’s mobile games that are keeping you from being productive, then you could try an app called Forest. Forest is an app that will grow a virtual tree for you as long as you stay away from your phone. The more time you spend away from your phone, the bigger the tree will become.

The Android Guys review of Forest explains that the app does this by getting your permission to see when you use any other app on your phone. This works as long as you keep the Forest app open on your phone. The app also provides a pro version, which allows you to help grow real trees while staying productive.

Play Productivity Games

While most games are just about entertainment, you can stay productive by playing games that offer productivity features. There are to do list apps that make the completing of tasks fun. Habit-forming apps help you become more productive by adding your chores to your routine schedule.

You can find a good list of these productivity mobile games on actiTime. One of the publication’s choices is Habitica, which reminds of a productivity RPG. Another app featured on the site is SuperBetter,which helps you achieve your long term goals. ChoreWars gives you rewards and lets you unlock achievements for completing household chores.

With thousands of games available to you on mobile devices, games consoles, and computers, it may seem difficult to remain productive. However, with some practice and helpful software and apps, you can stay on the job and be productive.