Independent Florist The Brighton Flower Company Commits to Sustainability
The Brighton Flower Company, based on Western Road in Brighton and Hove, has been making moves to be more sustainable for many years and aims to be the eco-conscious and ‘green option’ for bouquets.
Becoming a limited company in 2018, floristry can be a difficult industry to reduce carbon footprints due to the fact many flowers need to be transported from overseas. The team headed by Kate Scott have always felt a great need to improve sustainability and have made huge strides in the last few years.
Speaking with Rosie from the shop, we learn more about their locally sourced flowers, sustainable packaging, green waste and delivery by foot.
Locally sourced flowers
To combat the issue of overseas stock, where applicable english flowers are chosen to reduce transportation for deliveries and in particular, spring flowers are sourced from as locally as possible for seasonal bouquets.
Of course, this comes with the added benefit of working with and supporting other local businesses, and forging a greater sense of community. Gifts the team stock on their website and in their shop also include local options, including the Brighton Cacao Company and Buttonmoon Arts in Horsham, West Sussex who supply handmade gift cards.
Sustainable packaging & green waste
The shop has always used brown paper for wrapping as opposed to what essentially becomes single-use plastic wrapping, and have been researching the possibility of using recycled brown paper.
Rosie, a florist at The Brighton Flower Company states, “We are always evolving and learning about what it means to be sustainable and with Sir David Attenborough’s appeal for people to stop using plastic and the recent Greta Thunburg’s Youth For Climate Action, we realise now really is the time to act”.
The council has also provided the company with a Green Waste Bin, which is a positive change as these are normally only provided for households. This is incredibly important as floristry can create a high matter of compostable waste.
Delivery by foot
If you order flowers online and are close by the shop or in the city centre, the team, where possible, will deliver your flowers by foot to reduce carbon emissions, and staff will endeavour to cycle in or walk instead of driving.
This passion to be more green and taking active steps to get there is arguably part of the culture of Brighton who have voted The Green Party as the political party of choice since 2011.
Rosie adds, “If customers are looking for our most sustainable options in store, we’re a friendly team and are more than happy to help and advise. When it comes to Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and even Christmas, we understand that people more than ever want the green option and we want to be here to offer this is any way that we can”.
The Brighton Flower Company’s shop on Western Road is open seven days a week and can be reached on 01273 770966 or by emailing